Tuesday 27 August 2013

"How can ICTs be used to create a better understanding of how our bodies work and help us live a healthier lifestyle?" by María Gómez de Olea

Recent statistics show that the number of child and adult obesity is rapidly increasing in MEDCs due to the modern lifestyles which involve less movement and activity as well as more processed food and less balanced meals. People tend to spend more time on the internet, watching TV or playing videogames, so why not use these technologies to promote a healthier lifestyle and raise awareness, since the number of people who ignore the impact of an unhealthy lifestyle on our bodies, is appalling?

In the world there are almost 1.1 billion smartphones of which 50% android users and 43% apple users are below 34 years old. All of them are connected to the internet in one way or the other. Therefore one of the first targets of this question could be this type of users as awareness campaigns can be launched through either social networks, games or applications. If we take a quick look at the ideas published on Crowdicity, we note that a vast majority of them focus on the creation of applications for smartphones and share two key words “Awareness” and “Healthier”.

Some ideas suggest an application which shows how the human body is constituted, the dangers of drugs and unbalanced meals or the benefits of physical activity. Furthermore, there are already publicity campaigns organized by TNCs such as Coca Cola or governmental institutions such as the Spanish Ministry of Health promoting the benefits of eating in a healthy way and sports. Therefore if we combine all the ideas, we get to the conclusion that ICT’s can be an essential tool for promoting physical activities and a healthier lifestyle instead of damaging it. They are also very helpful in what raising awareness campaigns against numerous dangers such as teenager and adult drug addiction or anorexia. Therefore if we combine all the ideas, we get to the conclusion that ICT’s can be an essential tool for promoting physical activities and a healthier lifestyle instead of damaging it. They are also very helpful in what raising awareness campaigns against numerous dangers such as teenager and adult drug addiction or anorexia.

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